Chris and I met regarding ESD101 for the 2014-2015 school year.
will be sending a message to the participants from last year asking if
they would recommend at least 2 people to participate in this year's
program. I will also be creating certificates for last year's
participants. Any thoughts on recognizing them at a board meeting?
will be sending a message to the participants from last year asking if
they would recommend at least 2 people to participate in this year's
program. I will also be creating certificates for last year's
participants. Any thoughts on recognizing them at a board meeting?
and I would like to ask each board member to also recommend 1 or 2
people to participate in this year's program. You might consider people
on your Key Influencer list.
and I would like to ask each board member to also recommend 1 or 2
people to participate in this year's program. You might consider people
on your Key Influencer list.
I will collect the names and you as a board can make the final selection.
Here is our proposed sessions for this year:
District Overview - Douglas and the Board (this could also include your
legislative priorities & efforts, your community engagement)
legislative priorities & efforts, your community engagement)
School Finance - Ron (this could also include the Negative Factor)
Curriculum/Standards/Testing (this could also include Common Core/PARRC)
Special Services - Kim (this could also include our own admin unit, oppt program, GT)
Special Services - Kim (this could also include our own admin unit, oppt program, GT)
Resources/Technology - Kin Shuman & Marty Silver (we were thinking
these might be able to be combined in one session, any thoughts)
Resources/Technology - Kin Shuman & Marty Silver (we were thinking
these might be able to be combined in one session, any thoughts)
Safety - Rob McMullen & Michele (this is a new topic)
We are thinking of starting the 2nd Thursday in October, have a session in November, skip December then January-April.Elizabeth Schools C-1 Board of Education Blog: ESD101: Chris and I met regarding ESD101 for the 2014-2015 school year. I will be sending a message to the participants from last year asking if ...
Thanks for comments