10 tips for students 'debut' at the University

10 tips for students 'debut' at the University

How to success keys for a Student

10 tips for students 'debut' at the University

Almost one in four college students’ debutantes (21.2%) leaves his career in the first year, according to the Ministry of Education. Leaving school, peers and teachers always and into a giant campus is, for many, a trauma that leads them to failure. To avoid skidding, Castillo and Enrique Gomez, president of the General Council of Associations of Educators and Educational Psychologists of Spain, and Antonia DE la Torres, coordinator of the Commission of Coaching Education of the International Coach Federation Spain, give some keys to success.

Change the chip

"Students who go to college are not high school graduates who practically do only what they are told," said Castillo. Thus, the first step to being a good college student is neither more nor less than believed. "They should take advantage of all the options open to him," he continues, "as courses, conferences, etc."

Set yourself realistic goals

"The University is a demanding environment, where they find greater freedom, but often are not used to it." Thus, each student should be aware of how far, clearly marking their goals before the start of the course.

The University's your job

Like any worker, the university has very defined schedule: classes, courses, study hours, leisure time ... "You must organize your time properly," Castillo said. "For example, before school, it is advisable to have read something on the subject that will receive to have prior experience."

Trust yourself!

Besides changing the chip quickly, experts advise promote a fundamental value at these ages: security and self-confidence. "The new environment, new classmates and teachers, the relationships formed ... are common to all fears," argues De la Torre.

You're not an amanuensis

"There is a maxim or listen to the teacher and learn or take notes," said Castillo. Thus, the student must put aside the "national sport" as he called Castillo, note taking dictation. "The ideal is to take some notes that support the study" details.

Leave prejudices entry

Many students are very reluctant to knowledge that is not pure and matters linked to his college career. Raise your hand journalism student who has not twisted gesture to a subject of Economics. But blaspheme to a subject that-is-not-of-mine is useless. "The professional world is not confined to one area: the education is a reality, so you have to open your mind," said Castillo.

Freedom is a right and a duty ...

Student: there is nobody to tell you what you have to do even that forces you to enter the classroom. But that does not mean you have to spend hours in the cafeteria playing mus. "It is very important to work responsibility," said De la Torre. "Teachers affect us greatly in this regard to work the maturity of the student," he says.

Your friends mark the limits of your world

Throughout the ESO and Baccalaureate students he is used to having a group of friends, with whom he would go to hell. A circle that sometimes is opaque as a lodge. But repeat this practice in the faculty is little benefit. "In college, the more groups are formed, it will be much more productive for the student," says Castillo. "This way, seize more time and weave a network of contacts with very different people," he argues.

Defeat your fears

We all face trials throughout our lives. And always leave the institute to get into a university campus is one more. So, the best thing to come to fruition is "face the situation as soon as possible," De la Torre details. Be aware of the new frame of mind, tackle difficulties and have a positive mindset. In a word: be brave.

... And a small detail: study!

It seems obvious that a student is a student, but for many it is a part that does not just become clear to them neon lights of new friends and extreme freedom of his new life. "The student must assess yourself to see if the objectives achieved," according to the opinion of Castillo. "This implies not only go to class: you must know the working groups of departments, visit the library, go to talks ..." he concludes.

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