12 tips to improve collaboration between families and teachers

The role of teachers and parents in the education of children are complementary and essential for a comprehensive education, both academic and cultural, emotional, social and values. That is why it is important to walk in the same direction to reinforce in a mutual way what has been learned in the two areas: the school and the family. However, sometimes, rather than collaborate, they contribute to barriers to communication and understanding in the educational community. We collect twelve tips for families and teachers that will improve dialogue, promote comprehensive education and, ultimately, help the child's performance in and out of school.
12 tips to improve collaboration between families and teachers
12 tips to improve collaboration between families and teachers


The following recommendations will help you achieve a more fluid and profitable relationship with your child's teachers.

1. Value the teacher and his work. He relies on his criteria and listens and respects his decisions because the teacher is the one who knows the keys to the teaching-learning process.

2. Maintain frequent communication. Always go to the teacher to call a meeting and, if possible, twice a course. It is best not to wait until problems arise to treat them: if you maintain the communication, you can tackle them together in advance.

3. Turn to your help for educational problems or conflicts. If difficulties arise with a specific subject, behavior problems or conflicts, or if you have any questions you need to solve, ask for a meeting with the teacher to discuss the issue, before making a decision based only on your child's version.

4. Do not question the authority of the teacher. Your child should understand that in the school setting, your reference is the teacher and you should always treat him with
And accept their decisions and indications. For this, the first that must respect the teacher are the parents, especially in front of their children.

5. Talk to your children about school. Pay attention to the attitude of the child or adolescent regarding the school, study, different subjects etc. It is important that you are aware of how you are moving forward and whether you have any specific problems, be they academic or behavioral.

6. Reinforce learning. Work at home should complement the work done at the school, not only in terms of study and homework, but also in the formation of values, interest in culture and art or the promotion of reading. To do this, keep an educational environment at home that encourages curiosity and creativity.

7. Participates in school activities. It tries to participate whenever the collaboration of the parents is required in celebrations or special acts that are developed in the school environment. By involving yourself, you will support the work of the center and the teachers and show the child that you value their work in school.


It is important the contribution of the teachers to achieve a better communication with the student's family. To do this, it applies the following guidelines:

8. Listen to parents. They are the ones who know the child best, their particularities and their reactions when he comes home from school. Advise them tactfully, but always listen first. Consider them your allies and make them see that they are an essential part of the child's education.

9. Ask and show interest. Ask parents for behavioral changes, problems at home that may lead to a drop in school performance or attitudes that may differ in the family and school environment. The more information you have about the child, the better you can meet their needs.

10. Customize meetings and communications. Do not limit yourself to general information about the progress in the classroom, be specific and prepare before you meet or send an information note to offer parents as much information as possible about their child, their difficulties and personal strengths.

11. Give all the necessary explanations. When having an encounter with parents, speak simply and do not be afraid to extend yourself in giving directions, comment on the child's behavior in the classroom or describe the areas in which he can improve. Take care of all your questions and try to make the talk as informative as possible so that parents know how to act to solve the problems that your child may face.

12. Talk with parents to reinforce behavior as well. Do not limit communications with the family to problematic or negative situations; It is advisable to also highlight the positive aspects or the improvements that the child has experienced.

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