

100 Tips for Approving with Note to get more out of your study time

100 Tips for Approving with Note to get more out of your study time

If you have difficulty studying or just want to get more out of your study time, take note of these simple tips. In this article we collect the keys that have led many students to be the first of the class.

100 Tips for Approving with Note to get more out of your study time

With good habits and a series of guidelines for taking notes, memorizing or preparing an exam, getting good grades will be easier. A little effort is enough to learn more and get more of the time spent studying.


1. You have to be clear how you are going to use the time. The first thing is to plan and decide what you will learn and how much time you will spend.

2. You must study as much time as you need without leaving half a subject or problem, to get you to study another matter. Otherwise, what is learned will be so confusing that it will be the same as not having studied anything?

3. Make a list of all the activities you are going to do that afternoon. It is convenient to have a daily study schedule, but realistic, taking into account your abilities.

4. Order the activities. Which one to start? Some experts advise you to start with what is easiest for you, to encourage you to continue studying. Others think that it is preferable to start with the difficult subjects, and to remove them from the middle as soon as possible. You choose, according to your own experience.

5. The schedule should be flexible and prepared for contingencies. It will help you not to accumulate backlog.

6. Do not forget to include in your schedule time for rest and leisure.

Take note of what matters

7. When taking notes, try to listen to everything the teacher says.

8. Get close, you will have a better position to see and hear.

9. Pay close attention to the beginning of the class. It is just the moment when the teacher gives a general idea of ​​the subject.

10. Adopt a good posture in the chair. It will make it easier for you to attend and therefore understand the class.

11. While you are taking the notes, you must discover what ideas are major, secondary or anecdotal.

12. If the teacher says something is very important, target it. It is very possible that it will fall on the exam.

13. Leave space or margin for further annotations.

14. If there is something of the explanation that you have not caught, leave a space to complete it at the end of the class.

Men’s sane in corpora sane

15. To study well as important is to have a good physical and psychic state.

16. A balanced diet, rich in phosphorus, calcium and vitamins: vegetables, fish, milk, eggs and fruits is recommended. Remember that food is your gasoline.

17. Do not overdo yourself with copious meals. The heaviness of the stomach will prevent you from studying.

18. It is advisable to eat few amounts, but several times a day.

19. Sleep between 7 and 9 hours. Rest is essential to study.

20. If you are one of those who stress and want to ensure a peaceful sleep, take a warm bath before dinner or bed.

21. Deep breathing exercises also relax.

22. Physical exercise on a regular basis is another good practice against stress.

23. It is not advisable to take stimulants to study. Drinks rich in caffeine, such as coffee or cola, can make you nervous and have an effect opposite to what you want.

Get organized!

24. Get used to having a fixed schedule of study.

25. Take 5 to 10 minute breaks every hour.

26. It is recommended to study from Monday to Saturday from 2 to 3 hours a day.

27. Manage the study time well. Time is difficult to control and is easily wasted on unproductive tasks and without goals.

28. Use Sundays for leisure and your hobbies.

29. Do not leave study for the last moment. The rush does not help to learn. Begin to prepare exams from the beginning of the course.

Everything in its place

30. Always study in the same room. It will help you concentrate.

31. The study site should be airy and ventilated.

32. There must be a proper temperature. Not too cold, not too hot.

33. Study in a room without noises. In any case, soft music.

34. Make sure that there are no distractions such as television, radio, games, mobile or table decorations.

35. The workbench should have all the necessary material for the study.

36. Light should preferably be natural, if not white or blue. It must come from the opposite side to the hand you write with.

37. It is recommended a flexor with a blue bulb of 60 w. In the rest of the room a dim light.

38. The table and chair should be in line with your height.

39. The chair should be comfortable, but not in excess and with backrest.

40. The trunk should be straight and the back resting on the back of the chair.

41. You should be about 30 centimeters from the notes or the study book.
Study toga

42. It's important to be determined when it comes to studying. It is necessary to realize that it is a job that has to be done and it is better to do it with desire and joy.

43. First look at the lesson.

41. Separate the parts of the subject.

44. Look at the drawings and graphs.

45. Try to relate that topic with knowledge acquired previously.

46. ​​Make an initial synthesis of the topic.

Highlights the important

47. Try to understand the topic before beginning to underline.

48. The underlining is a critical selection. You should highlight the main ideas.

49. The underlining must have complete meaning.

50. Underline the main ideas with red or double stripe.

51. Underline with blue or simple stripe secondary ideas, examples and data.

52. It is not advisable to use more than two colors.

53. A vertical stripe in the margin means that the entire paragraph is marked.

54. Other signs that you can use are rounding, for numbering or classifications; Box, for key statements, name or dates; Interrogation, when there are signs of error; Admiration, to verify a statement; Point, when you have to complete with other readings ...

55. It is advisable to emphasize between 25 and 30% of the text.

Order the ideas

56. Logically order the main and secondary ideas underlined.

57. Classify them according to your criteria.

58. Use your own words. It will be easier to memorize later.

59. In the short term, short, precise and clear sentences.

60. Try to say everything important in the smallest possible space.

61. The scheme should have a clean presentation.

62. You can use the arrow symbol as a union link

63. You must make a title that summarizes the content.

64. Divide the topic into three or four sections that collect several main ideas and from which the secondary ones hang.

65. Leave spaces in the margins for later annotations.

66. Use the same bleed for the same sections.

67. There are several kinds of schemes: numerical (number only), mixed (Roman numerals, uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers ...) and the synoptic table (graphs or keys).

68. Use the synoptic chart for dates, names, quantities...

Be brief

69. It is usually done after underlining and having studied the subject.

70. It should be done by trying not to look at the notes.

71. It should be brief but with all the main ideas.

72. Then you should read it carefully with the original text to complete what is missing.

Ensures learning

73. It consists of mentally repeating the main ideas of the underline or outline.

74. It should be done with the books closed and pointed to the side.

75. Check with notes.

76. You must repeat this step until you memorize the scheme and be sure that you know the subject.

77. It is recommended to carry out all the good practices mentioned above. Last-minute binges do not work. The memory must be used in the days prior to the examination mainly to memorize the schemes.

Recharge batteries

78. When it is time to rest, leave the room in which you study. Relax, eat something, talk with someone, walk, or anything else that is not related to the study. In this way, you will avoid mental fatigue.

The moment of the truth

79. It is important to be in good physical and mental condition.

80. Rest well the night before. At least he sleeps 6 hours.

81. Go with all the necessary equipment.

82. Before the test, take a few minutes to relax: take a deep breath, close your eyes ... It will help control the natural nerves at the beginning of the test.

83. Always listen to the teacher's instructions, before and during the exam. Are important.

84. Give a general look at the exam to organize your time.

85. Distribute time and questions.

86. If you see any questions that you do not know, do not get nervous. Leave it to the end.

86. Ask the questions you know best first.

87. It is important to take into account what type of exam you are going to have (development, type test ...) and what the teacher wants (conciseness, clarity ...)

89. Read the questions carefully to know exactly what they ask.

90. Remember to highlight in your exam what the teacher has highlighted in class.

91. Answer the question. Do not go to the hills of Uyeda.

92. To do developmental tests: outline the points you want to deal with on a separate sheet.

93. Do not respond like a telegram, nor do you twist too much.

94. Review the entire test before delivering it, noting spelling mistakes, omissions, wording. So important is knowing how to look like you know and this the teachers take into account when it comes to punctuation.

95. Look back if there are any more questions. You would not be the first to rush and nerves, he leaves unanswered a question he knows, simply because he has not seen it.
96. Take care of the cleaning, the letter and the presentation. It is essential that the teacher understands you.


98. Quiet, failures are also learned. Reflect and try to find the reasons why it has happened.

99. If it has been the nerves that have played a bad trick, you know, practice relaxation techniques and put aside the exciting drinks.

100. If the reason for the suspension has been that you did not study enough or in the right way, plan yourself better and start studying right now for the next exams. Keep in mind what you have failed, not to do it again and use these tips when you get distracted.

You can find more information on Study Techniques and student councils to approve with note in number 3 of NOW WHAT.

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