

19 Best Ways to Study over the Summer || How to Study in the Summer

19 Best Ways to Study over the Summer || How to Study in the Summer

If the heat, fatigue and the desire to leave prevent you from concentrating, pay attention to these tips to study in summer and pass your exams

We associate summer with fun, beach, friends and tons of time to do whatever we want. However, college students travel this time of year from elsewhere because they usually have to study for February exams. We know that it is difficult to concentrate on the beautiful days but it is necessary that you generate a routine of study if you want to approve. Apply these tips to study in summer and learn to balance your obligations to enjoy the holidays.

19 Best Ways to Study over the Summer || How to   Study in the Summer

1. Buy stationery that you like

Having something new that you love to use to study is a way to keep up the excitement even on hot days. Set aside a small budget to go to your neighborhood stationery to buy materials that inspire you, such as a bundle of highlighters, colorful post-it notebooks, paper clips, or make your own bookmarks.
Incuse if your budget is higher, you can get a fun schedule that you use only to organize the summer study, some come with slogans to make during breaks.

2. Generate a sleep routine

In summer we usually go to bed and get up later, but if you have to study it is counterproductive to guide you through parameters that do not fit your study schedule. Set the alarm clock for your cell phone to ring at the same time from Monday to Friday, taking as a reference around 8am in the morning. In this way, you can sleep relatively late - at 12 at night - and still sleep 8 hours a day. It is a good fit for a self-paced schedule free of class and transfers.

3. Drink water and eat light

As simple as it sounds, if the human being should take two liters of water per day, in summer it is necessary to increase that amount to be hydrated. Have a bottle to drink while you study and do not forget to eat light foods such as white meats, fruits, vegetables, jellies, creams, cereals or ice cream. A roasted lunch at noon is not a good option on a hot day if you have to immerse yourself between books and notes.

4. Build a timetable

It is essential that you organize your study schedules because classes are no longer part of the itinerary and total freedom can affect your times when you are unaware. Balance leisure with the studio because after all, it is still summer and your mind needs to relax to face the year with renewed energies.
Excel spreadsheets are great allies when organizing, you can use several colors to highlight the breaks. Try to allocate the same hours of study for each day, prioritizing the morning and night because they are the least hot moments.

5. Specify your activities in the schedule

Instead of putting together a chart with generalities like "studying math on Monday", try changing the schedule weekly so that you have concrete goals to meet. An example of them is "doing exercises for Mathematics 2 and 3 subjects between 8:30 and 13:00 Monday".
Try to release on weekends and Friday nights to focus your efforts on the rest of the week, so you can enjoy a well-deserved vacation, even in small doses.

6. Plan rest periods

 Even during your fixed schedule, you will need to rest to keep your mind fresh and maximize your absorption capacity. I measured your ability to concentrate to act on it, taking into account that a long period of attention (2.5 hours) requires 30 minutes of rest. Usually people maintain a sustained concentration for 1 or 1.5 hours approximately, reason why the rest will be smaller.
Use that space to close your eyes, walk or enjoy your prize when you have completed a goal. Try to accommodate the schedule so that there are no more than two study stripes per day, for example, between 8:30 and 13:00 could be the first period and the second between 18:00 and 21: 30, so the heat does not disturb your concentration.

 7. Raise awareness of your environment

I asked your parents to try not to call you at certain times and explain to your little brothers why it is important for you to save that exam or course so understand the reasons why they should not bother you at certain times.
You can share your study hours in your WhatsApp group of friends to prevent them from communicating with you at those times, so that the proximity of the cell phone is not a problem. Use the same method with your partner or negotiate to be seen in the free time between study strips.

8. Prepare materials before beginning

I went through your room to find all the necessary elements as soon as your day started. Pencils, markers, books, scattered exercises, blank sheets for diagrams or any material you need should be ready for use before you immerse yourself in the studio, so you will not be distracted by looking for them later.

9. Experiment with music

While some students have difficulty concentrating on the presence of visual or sound stimuli, others may find their motivation in music. The most appropriate thing to avoid losing the thread of what is studied, is to find hooked on YouTube with instrumental songs, concerts for orchestras or sounds of nature that help to relax and do not have a lyrics sung.
You can go further and apply your notes of classes or subjects that you must learn in the songs that you are listening, so that you remember the concepts or formulas according to the musical sequences. In this case, the songs would work as memory support in order to maximize your ability while mitigating boredom.

10. Change of environment

Take advantage of the beautiful summer days even if you have to study, you will have time to lock yourself in your room with a blanket over your shoulders and your cup of coffee. If your family rented a house outside to spend the holidays, I spread a blanket in the garden, I got an extension that reaches the stream to load the compo before the battery runs out and set up a study camp in nature.
In Buenos Aires you can also find parks to study outdoors, especially if you do not need the computer. The edge of a lake, the patio of your house, the terrace of your building or the pool of a relative, there will always be a different place where you can fulfill your obligations enjoying an environment in which you could not be in winter.

11. Use interactive materials

New technologies offer a variety of possibilities to practice online, rooting new concepts in your mind while having fun testing digital tools. Look for new software for the subject you study or online platforms that contain exercises such as rapid resolution triads, simulations, experiments or videos linked to discussion forums between students, teachers and the rest of the educational community.

12. Use Dynamic Cards

It is a resource to synthesize the main topic in the least amount of words you can, adding drawings and symbols to make the card visually appealing. There are some software to create them, which will make your study summer more entertaining.

13. Build billboards

If you like to draw, collage, design symbols or gather photographs, this method of study is ideal for awakening your creativity. Develop a theme on billboards that can be colored cardboard's with clippings or a post it notepad that you can go placing on the wall of your room to give shape and meaning to what you study.
 Organize the paperwork as a diagram, mental map or giant scheme. If you have post it of different colors, you can use each one with a different meaning (causes, consequences, formulas, materials of an experiment, etc.).

14. Inventing mnemonics

They are memorization techniques for topics that require total accuracy, such as a chemical sequence or classification. Create your own techniques using songs, riddles, stories, invented words that gather the initials of your friends or other ways of remembering. The advantage of summer is that you have more time to be creative because you do not go to class, which consumes time and energy.

15. Watch the movie of what you are studying

Search the Internet for the book movie you had to learn for literature, it is a way to complete your understanding of the main axes and entertain yourself at the same time. You can dopop that you presnetarás in paper-based crimes and invite a friend to see the movie. Remember to have a notebook on hand where you can jot down appreciations that come up to help you with the understanding of the subject.

You can also use this method to investigate a historical character through the film about his biography, learn about that science topic by watching a documentary or even understand the symptoms of a psychological disorder looking for allusive films. Fortunately, the film left very few but no space without research, so you can find filmography of an immense variety of topics.

16. Get your favorite book in another language

Visit a used bookstore, buy cheap pocket editions, or get digital versions on the Internet of your favorite story in the language you are studying. For example, if you have an English exam and your favorite book is in that language, try to find the original version. Nothing better to study a language than to put it into practice.

17. Reward Your Effort

Let's face it: it is not easy to study in summer when you can be at the beach, in the pool of a friend or cycling with your cousins. A good way to stay positive is to offer small prizes when you reach established goals such as finishing a topic, doing three practical exercises or completing a couple of summary pages.

Summer prizes can be related to ice cream, take a short walk when the sun goes down, build a water pump war with your siblings, prepare cold lemonade or activities that motivate you and alleviate heaviness simultaneously.

18. Studying with one or more friends

Invite that classmate with whom you look great to review together. Before starting, prepare some frozen drinks and some fresh snack like a tuna sandwich or a fruit salad to do a study marathon. Compare your notes, ask yourself questions on the topic, write written questionnaires for each other, discuss, sample tests, argue prize presentations to orally expose each other, and compete for who makes the best outlines or ends a chapter quicker.
They can repeat the day weekly to get a shot with the last studied or even add more people and set up a study group with debates, roles change (teacher-student) and put together with established dates, joining in different houses.

19. Move away from guilt

Many students who are forced to give up in summer feel guilty for not having passed in the school year. Although the situation often responds to a lack of effort, it also happens that university students prioritize subjects that are more important to their career or simply the burden is too much to meet in a timely manner.
What happened can not be changed, but you can change your attitude into a positive one to have a positive impact on the test. Think of how good things are to come, do not get hooked on what you did not do.

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