

Scholarships to study in the United States

Scholarships to study in the United States

In the United States it is difficult for a foreign student to get any help to fund their studies. In fact, more than 60% of foreign students in the United States pay the costs of their education and 15% receive financial support from the government of their own country.

Usually, universities or colleges in the United States represent only a limited possibility of financial support, but do not hesitate to ask for help, as management will not hurt your admission opportunities to a particular program of study.

Scholarships to study in the United States

Very few US educational institutions offer financial aid to foreigners. Therefore, if some kind of financing is required, it is advisable to start the search in the country of origin.
Some American professional foundations and associations offer financial aid, in the interest of expanding the possibilities of international exchange in the academic area. Generally, this type of aid applies only to professionals who wish to continue postgraduate programs or to carry out specialized research in certain areas of study. The competition for these grants is often intense and therefore the selection requirements are extremely competitive.

A list of the most important institutions of this type are:

• Rockefeller Foundation
Web: www.rockefellerfoundation.org
The Rockefeller Foundation provides financial assistance for postgraduate and research on transnational issues, non-Western cultures, or any other aspect within the humanities. Its scholarship program is aimed at researchers of high academic level. Details of this program can be obtained by visiting its website.

• Inter American Press Association (IAPA)
Web: www.sipiapa.org
The Inter American Press Association (IAPA) provides financial support to study in the United States, social communicators in Latin America and the Caribbean, who are between the ages of 21 and 35, with an acceptable knowledge of English and who have three years of professional experience, As minimum. The beneficiaries get 13 thousand dollars and air tickets back and forth. Details on your website.

• Thomson Reuters Foundation
Web: www.trust.org
The Reuters Foundation offers the possibility to obtain a scholarship to attend up to two semesters in centers of higher education in the United States. This program is intended for students from developing countries, who are supported by a medium of diffusion and who are interested in studying in medical journalism, journalistic photography, graphic design and environmental journalism. The details are on their website.

• John Simon Guggenheim Memorial
Web: www.gf.org
The "John Simon Guggenheim Memorial" offers financial support for 6-month-to-one-year courses for students, artists and scholars from all walks of learning. These scholarships are preferably awarded to students from Latin America who have high intellectual qualifications and who have demonstrated great productivity in the arts.

• John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation
Web: www.macfdn.org
The Jhon D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation seeks the development of healthy individuals and effective communities; Peace between nations; Responsible choice over human reproduction and a global ecosystem capable of sustaining healthy societies. Its specific fields of interest are: education, communication, environment, community development, international relations, art and culture and research. Grants individual scholarships. The details of the program are on their website.

• Kellog Foundation
Web: www.wkkf.org
The central objective of the Kellogg Foundation is to promote initiatives that contribute to the well-being of the peoples of Latin America and the Caribbean. The areas in which he works are: health, food systems and rural development, basic education, youth, leadership and scholarships. For details of their scholarship programs, visit their website.

• Fulbright
Web: fulbright.state.gov
Fulbright is an educational exchange program that the United States government has developed for over half a century to offer study opportunities to North American and foreign professionals and students. Its main objective is to encourage mutual understanding between different cultures.
Fulbright has the particularity of being a binational program, since the responsibility is shared between the United States and the country with which the exchange takes place. The administration is in charge of the United States Informational and Cultural Service in accordance with guidelines established by a 12-member board appointed by the president, known as the J. William Fulbright Foreign Scholarship Board (J. William Fulbright Board of Fellows Abroad) .

• Venezuelan-American Friendship Association (AVAA)
Web: www.avaa.org
The Venezuelan American Friendship Association (AVAA) has a program to support university students in Venezuela, known as Pro-Excellence. In addition, it offers an Educational Advisory Service for the United States, supported by Education USA, through which it guides students about US financial aid programs at the different levels of education: undergraduate, graduate and doctoral.

Practical tips:
Although the requirements and academic requirements vary according to the type of institution that grants the scholarship, there are some general precautions that must be kept up to date and some suggestions that are recommended to take into account:
The formalities begin at least one year in advance.

Make your requests for financial aid based on your own academic merits and special skills. An application made to highlight the adverse circumstances of the applicant may disturb the admissions officer but will be at a disadvantage in the face of a request from another student demonstrating his or her extraordinary academic merits.

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