

Important General Knowledge for Bank Recruitment Test (Part 1)


Important General Knowledge for Bank Recruitment Test (Part 1)
Important General Knowledge for Bank Recruitment Test (Part 1)

1. The number one natural wonder of the world- Iguazu Waterfalls, Brazil

2. The country which gives Bangladesh the maximum amount of loan is- Japan

3. The headquarter of world tourism organization is in- Madrid, Spain

4. The Geneva Convention deals with- conduct of war.

5. The book ‘Glimpses of World History’ was written by- Jawaharlar Nehru.

6. Mother Teresa was born in  –  Mecidonia

7. The largest island in the world is  –  Greenland.

8. Naiko Gas Company belongs to the country is- Canada

9. February 21st was declared international mother language day by  –  Unesco

10. The city is called ‘The City of Flowering Trees’- Harare.

 11. For which historical event the year of 1789 is renowned- French revolution.

12. Naigra falls is located in  –  North America

13. The American General who led the revolt against the British and declared American independence was- George Washington.

14. The country that accounts for nearly one third of the total teak production of the world is- Myanmar.

15. The name of statesman who received Noble prize for literary work is- Churchill.

16. Albert Einstein was born in –  Germany.

 17. The largest Ocean of the world is p Pacific Ocean.

18. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) is located in  –  Manila, Philippines.

 19. The industrial revolution was started in  –  England

20. ‘NASAKA’ is the border force of –  Myanmar.

21. Golan Heights is a cause of discord between- Syria and Israel.

22. Name of the country, which has largest rainforest- Brazil.

23. Transfer of foreign fugitive to his home country is –  Extradition.

24. The country that is called ‘the door of Europe’ is – Vienna (Austria)

25. Nelson Mandela was born in  –  18 July 1918

26. Bangladesh workers safety initiative was declared by  –  Alliance for workers safety in Washington.

27. Who is Edwared Snowden?  –  A former official of central intelligence agency (CIA) who leaked surveillance programme of the USA.

28. Name of newly elected party in Bhutan  –  Peoples Democratic Party (PDP)

 29. General Aung San, who was the father of Aung San Suu Kyi assassinated on

 –  19 July 1947.

30. Who is the Chief justice of India (CJI) at present? Justice P Sathasivam.

31. President Mohamed Morsi was ousted on  –  03 July 2013

32. Adly Mansour takes oath as interim President of Egypt on  –  04 July 2013

33. Malala Yousafzai delivered her speech at the UN on- 12 July 2013.

34. Who is the interim Prime Minister of Egypt- Hazem el Beblawi.

35. Che Guevara was born on  –  14 June 1928 in Argentina.

36. Black teenager of America Trayvon Martin was killed by  –  George Zimmerman.

37. The most innovative country according to the Global innovation Index (GII) is- Switzerland.

38. Mahatma Gandhi was assassinated on  –  30 January 1948 By Nathuram Godse.

39. British Foreign Minister at present is  –  William Hague.

40. The major export partner country of Bangladesh is  –  the USA

41. At present number of offices of the central Bank countrywide is  –  10

42. Taka 10 polymer note was first introduced in Bangladesh 2000.

43. The Euro introduced to world Financial market  –  1 January 1999.

44. The Chittagong Stock Exchange was established in  –  1995

45. The apex body of the private sector business community in Bangladesh is  – FBCCI.

46. The act adopted for prevention of use and transfer of money illegally is called

 –  Money Laundering Prevention Act.

47. BIA stand for  –  Bangladesh Insurance Academy.

48. The largest trading block in the world is  – WTO.

49. A common form of inter bank short term borrowing is  –  call money

50. CAMEL rating is a system that  –  assigns a numerical rating to a bank.

51. SWIFT is  –  A global fund transfer system.

52. Import quotas tend to be associated with  –  expand domestic production and sales.

53. The rate at which commercial banks borrow money from the central bank is called

 –  bank rate.

54. Circuit breaker in a stock exchange works as  –  an obstacle to excessive change in share price.

55. In Islamic Banking the customer are consider as- partners to profit sharing.

56. The headquarter of Center on Integrated Rural Development for Asia and the Pacific (CIRDAP) is in  –  Dhaka.

57. Dhaka Carzon Hall was build in the year  –  1904-05.

58. The largest tribe in Bangladesh is  –  Chaqma.

59. The length of Jamuna Bridge is  –  4.8 km.

60. The documentary film ‘Stop Genocide’ related to independence war of Bangladesh was directed by  –  Zahir Raihan.

61. The last Mughal Emperor was  –  Bahadur Shah.

62. Who compiled and edited the documents of liberation war of Bangladesh

 –  Hasan Hafizur Rahman.

63. Introduction of the book ‘ Song Offerings’ of Rabindranath Tagore is written by – 

 W.B. Yeats.

64. Most of the Manipuri ethnic group people of Bangladesh live in  –  Sylhet.

65. The Arabian Country first recognized Bangladesh as an independence country- Iraq. 66. The largest island of Bangladesh is  –  Bhola.

67. The current population growth rate in Bangladesh is -1.37%.

68. The ancient name of Barisal is  – Chandradeep.

69. Bangladesh constitution was adopted on -16 December 1972.

70. The name of highest gallantry award of Bangladesh is  –  Bir Shrestha.

71. The governance structure of Bangladesh is  –  parliamentary.

72. The authority to issue an ordinance in Bangladesh is  –  President.

73. Banga  – bhanga was done is -1905.

74. The source of the river karnaphuli is  – Lushai Hills.

75. The ratio of length and breadth of the national flag of Bangladesh is  –  10:6

76. Newly formed unit of Bangladesh Police is  –  Special Security and Protection Battalion ( BPBn)

77. Newly elected Mayor of Gazipur City Corporation is  –  Professor M.A.Mannan.

78. Which Bangladeshi ship tilted recently at the Andaman sea near Thailand?  – MV hope.

79. Who is the Chairman of Anti Corruption Commission (ACC) at present?- Mohammad  Badiuzzaman.

80. Bangladesh post Office inaugurated ATM service of Postal Cash Card on -06 July 2013.

81. The most corrupted sectors according to the report released by Transparency International Bangladesh are- Political parties and Police.

82. University of Dhaka celebrated its 92nd founding anniversary on  –  1July 2013

83. Television actress Mita Noor committed suicide on  –  01 July 2013.

84. Nobel Laureate Dr. Muhammad Yunus has been featured as 11th among the most influential business thinker of the world by- The Wall Street Journal.

85. Foreign Secretary of Bangladesh is  –  Shahidul Haque.

86. Generalized System of Preference (GSP) for Bangladesh by the USA was suspended on -27 June 2013

87. Remittance recorded by the country in the last FY 2012-12 was- 14.46 billion $

88. Who is the Director General of Asian Development Bank (ADB) for the south Asia Department?- Juan Miranda.

89. How many girl students will receive stipends from education trust fund in this year? -1.33 lakh.

90. National Board of Revenue (NBR) assigned to collect in the FY 2013-14 is- 136090 crore Tk.

91. Mobile jamuna limited (MJL) forms joint venture in- Myanmar.

92. Who became new member of Olympic committee of Asia (OCA)?- Mahfuz Akhter Kiron.

93. Who was adjudged the best player in 33rd national Cricket championship?- Taibur Parvez.

94. FIFA confederation cup 2013 champion is  –  Brazil.

95. The Wimbledon Champion 2013 in the female category is  –  Marion Bartoli

( France)

96. The Wimbledon Champion 2013 in the male category is- Andre Marey (United Kingdom)

97. 2017 first ICC world test championship will be held on –  England

98. 2020 seventh ICC world cup T20 will be held on  – Australia.

99. 2013 FIFA confederation cup championship will be held on  –  Brazil

100. 2013 South Asian Football (SAF) tournament will be held on  –  Katmandu, Nepal

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  1. Very Very Important

  2. Who was adjudged the best player in 33rd national Cricket championship?- Taibur Parvez.link text


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